All enemy files are located in OfPlanetAndGuns → Characters.
If you wish to edit the AI’s properties, look for the following files in the folder of the enemy of choice (replace “EnemyName” with the proper enemy name):
- Perception properties (everything linked to senses, e.g. sight, hearing): in the AIC_EnemyName click on the AIPerception component.
In the details panel under AI perception expand the “Senses Config” array.
You can then open the sense of your choosing and edit the properties from there.
- Enemy properties (everything settable on spawn): in the BP_EnemyName file look for “OPAG AI” in the details panel. Everything settable on enemy spawn will be there.
- Behavior properties: everything linked with the behavior tree can be edited by opening the behavior tree itself, in the file BT_UnitName.
The properties of every Behavior Tree node can be edited in the details panel after selecting the node in the tree. EQS query nodes blueprints can be edited by opening the node itself.