Tasks are nodes that "do" things, like move an AI, or adjust Blackboard values. They can have Decorators or Services attached to them.
A Move To Task will cause a Pawn with a Character Movement component to move using the NavMesh to a Vector Blackboard key.
With Acceptable Radius it is also possible to decide how close to the target the Pawn has to be for the Task to succeed.
A Move Directly Toward Task will cause the pawn to move in a straight line toward the target without regard to any navigation system.
The Wait Task can be used in the Behavior Tree to cause the tree to wait on this node until the specified Wait Time is complete.
It is also possible to specify a Random Deviation to add a random time ******(plus or minus) to the Wait Time property.
As the name suggest the RunEQSQuery Task runs the EQS query specified in the 1st parameter.
The query’s result is then saved in the Result Blackboard Key (2nd parameter)
The ChangeSpeed Task can be used to edit the speed of the enemy.