The following guidelines are useful to build a directory structure based on an efficient filtering logic, in order to take advantage on Content Browser searching assets by type

<aside> ⚠️ Don’t perform any action directly from project file system, since it can cause crash problems. Instead, do it always from the UE4 Content Broswer tab.



Always use PascalCase convention for folder names, keeping in mind General General naming guidelines

<aside> 📝 e.g.

✅ - GameMode, MaterialLibrary

- gameMode, Game Mode, game#mode


Developer Folder

If you need to perform any type of “personal” tests, use the Developer folder. The purpose of Developer folder is really to avoid possible conflicts and undesired behaviors of any asset.

When the test will be considered finished, then the team member can easily move the desired assets from the Developer folder to the target folder, based on the specific context.

Core Folder