Drop a Nav Link Proxy in the scene from OfPlanetsAndGuns → Core → AI.

In the editor you’ll see two points in the scene, a left and a right one, enclosed in two cylinders (if you don’t see them, press P to show the nav meshes in the scene. For the moment ignore the extra cylinders with no points inside.


Move the two points so that the left one is at the top of the drop and the right one at the bottom (they are already one higher then the other by default to make it simpler to remember).

If you want to make a jump with the points at the same height you can do that too (like to cross a ditch).

Make sure that the cylinders are partially in the floor.

Also, try to not give the jump a parabolic trajectory too narrow, or the pawn might not have enough horizontal force to make the jump (just try it and make it a little wider if the problem arises).


In the details panel:


Now we have two possibilities:

If you want the pawn to jump up with the boosters and jump down walking normally:

If you want the pawn to jump both up and down using the pawn’s boosters:

In the last step we have to modify the Jump Duration variable in the OPAG AI category.

This variable does NOT simply manage the time it takes to jump, but also the impulse given to the pawn and therefore the height of the jump.